• US Green Infrastructure Solutions Inc of the United States, has developed an emissions-free process to convert virtually all urban waste into clean electricity and pure water. At no cost to the public.

  • US Green has signed an agreement with The Board Ltd to represent the technology across New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific.

  • Kevin Smith, managing director of The Board, said the US technology is by far the best of the green technologies his company has considered in a global search.

  • “We looked throughout the world for commercially viable systems that also address new levels in environmental standards and this technology achieves everything we hoped for to protect our planet, in the one process,” said Kevin.

  • “The system converts all urban waste, excluding metals and glass (which are extracted after collection and recycled), into electricity.

  • “The one plant produces high grade fossil substituting fuel and low cost electricity with zero emissions. In fact, uniquely, the process produces carbon credits. As well as eliminating the need for toxic landfills, the process can be fed from existing, degrading landfills. This is an ideal way of dealing with the terrible leaching problems that we have seen recently.

  • “Given that New Zealand’s population produces around an average 250kg of waste per person in a year, this suggests considerable clean energy can be gained,” he said. “Many New Zealand homes could receive electricity produced from current levels of waste.”

  • Innovative funding options have been developed by US Green which effectively utilise the value of the electricity to fund the conversion plant, meaning that there would be no cost to the ratepayer or taxpayer

  • US Green itself controls a fund of more than $US 3 billion which is used to finance its plants that typically cost around $NZ200 million to construct.

  • In exchange for paying for the cost of building, running the plant and taking over the administration of MSW waste in the community, the financing is paid for by selling the energy back to the community. Which is a win-win for everyone.

  • Kevin Smith said the technology could also lead to the restoration of land which has been used as waste landfills

  • “Increasing numbers of countries are now banning landfills and mining their old ones to avoid the horrendous contamination of soils and waterways. US Green can assist in this process as its system readily accepts all such material, including every type of plastic, asbestos and hazardous medical waste

  • We see US Green’s technology as the catalyst for New Zealand to join this global restoration.”

  • For further details, please contact Kevin Smith (027 296 1947) or Tony Edmonds (021 446 437). Or e-mail or