Our People

Our People


Kevin Smith

Managing Director

Kevin is a citizen of Brazil and New Zealand. His decades of experience in the South American continent, in CEO and Managing Director positions, ranges across agricultural equipment, electronics and firefighting equipment exporting to World markets. He recently retired as the representative director in Brazil of New Zealand’s Tru-Test Industries prior to returning to New Zealand in August 2018.

He has extensive experience in Greenfield start-ups and finding practical solutions to establishing profitable operations under challenging conditions. Before moving to Brazil in 1985, Kevin founded an agricultural and marketing company with offices in New Zealand and Australia, responsible for launching ground-breaking new products to World markets, which resulted in the transfer to Brazil.

He is currently an adviser to the New Zealand Government on business development in Brazil. He holds a board position on a Canadian–funded construction and development company. He has been a director of a contemporary art gallery. His interests in wine and sailing are not mutually exclusive.


Gordon Legge


Gordon started his working life in the 1970’s in the days of black and white Television “Smelling the money,” he started his own ad agency, later selling that and returning to TV, producing sports programmes for sponsors.

Ten years ago, Gordon purchased a small business which cleans diesel fuel contaminated by cleaning up microbiological growth. (Diesel is the fuel which drives the NZ economy). This business has quadrupled in revenue and EBIT and has yet to reach his defined growth target.

Gordon has also invested in the New Zealand agency for a Canadian diesel additive which can increase fuel efficiency from 10 to 20 percent.

He was a Board member of Motorsport NZ for two years and is currently a member of Alzheimers New Zealand national executive.


Tony Edmonds


Apart from a couple of public relations contracts, Tony took an extended break from communications in 2010. Most recently he was working in a family construction business until accepting new client work in March 2018.

He began his career as a newspaper an industry magazine journalist, establishing his first Public Relations company in 1981.

He was appointed a Fellow of the Institute of Public Relations in 1996, having been involved in a number of nationally and regionally well-known projects.

He has worked with all of the other members of The Board.



Tony Andrew

Business development,
marketing consultant

Tony Andrew enjoyed a career at top management level in local and international advertising agencies for many years in New Zealand. He then operated his own which he sold to European interests.

Evidence of his strategic and creative contribution is reflected in household brand names and imagery that remain vital, recognised and effective in New Zealand today. He bought and sold a number of businesses, established a national franchise brand and consulted to New Zealand’s first successful casino license applicant.

Throughout, marketing communications were always essential components of the skill set. In recent years he’s become a licensed business broker and is a shareholder in LINK, a New Zealand based, international business brokerage.

Tony enables The Board to deliver communications plans relevant to business owners who have the eventual sale of their business in mind.


Emily Fly

Digital Marketing Specialist

Emily is a digital marketing specialist who advises on internet/website content and how to optimise search engines (SEO) for in-bound website traffic and inquiries.

Emily's record of results on a 2018 campaign launching a new company division, motivated The Board's invitation to her to become an associate.

She can write, develop blog campaigns and social media strategies.

Her analytical and decisive style is well masked by a charming veil of diplomacy.

Email: emily@flyeyedigital.com / Tel: +64 21 919 847