Kevin Smith
Managing Director
Kevin is a citizen of Brazil and New Zealand. His decades of experience in the South American continent, in CEO and Managing Director positions, ranges across agricultural equipment, electronics and firefighting equipment exporting to World markets. He recently retired as the representative director in Brazil of New Zealand’s Tru-Test Industries prior to returning to New Zealand in August 2018.
He has extensive experience in Greenfield start-ups and finding practical solutions to establishing profitable operations under challenging conditions. Before moving to Brazil in 1985, Kevin founded an agricultural and marketing company with offices in New Zealand and Australia, responsible for launching ground-breaking new products to World markets, which resulted in the transfer to Brazil.
He is currently an adviser to the New Zealand Government on business development in Brazil. He holds a board position on a Canadian–funded construction and development company. He has been a director of a contemporary art gallery. His interests in wine and sailing are not mutually exclusive.